eco domestic

eco domestic by jorge agatiello from argentina

designer's own words:

Eco-domestic is a product composed by elements that gives differentiated treatment for each type of waste to treat.
This product family aims to process the waste for adapt them to recycling from its origin (uni-family housing, consortia, industry, etc. Adapting the design for every need) and to incorporate the classification of waste in everyday life by making it more simple and orderly.

The two most important objectives of the Eco-Domestic include:

1- To decrease larger items to increase storage capacity. To this was further divided dry waste in a separate container of plastic packaging (PET) and aluminum cans.

2- To inhibit possible odor emissions, normal in organic waste and seal them so they can be stored without leakage of odors or liquids.

To achieve these goals each container operates in different way:

- Recyclable waste: it has a shredder for paper and paperboard that cuts this type of waste into strips to reduce the size. The container also has a space for storing glass bottles.

- PET and Aluminum Container: has a compactor that works in cold for aluminum cans and with hot through a resistance that softens el plastic and allows the bottle not to take its original shape.

- Organic waste: eliminates odors and bacteria from the container using a ionizer. The container also comprises a sealing mechanism to close the bag when you want to avoid leakage of odors or liquids during storage.

From these treatments on waste, it can achieve an optimum method of garbage collection. It would make possible to cut down on staff and the cost of vehicle, by the replacement of compactor trucks and improve the typical problems that they cause to traffic. And finally the process of sorting waste into recycling plants would be expedited.

The path of waste

ecodomestic_02.jpg How it works

ecodomestic_03.jpg In their habitat