ec its a new way to wash

ec its a new way to wash by annika maya from mexico

designer's own words:

The problem:
In our days we are worried about the health, the good life and we are looking for a clean and renew World, viruses like h1-n1 will be one of the facts that become and issue, and a detonator for being more healthy and clean humans. Now we need to find something that help us to be a clean human race and when I say clean, I don’t only mean in our bodies, I mean in all the ways, we are looking for a clean society that doesn’t damage our own World.

There are so many ways to do eco-design, one is to take something that exists and make it better, I focus on the dishwasher.

What’s the problem with an ordinary dishwasher?
*May be it is the soap, the bleach that we use in it.
*The electricity that its used to turn it on.
*The materials like plastics and process to be done.
*The effectivity.
The increase the phosphate in water it’s the biggest problem, we are killing us, spilling away all the bleach in our seas and rivers.

Then with all that thoughts I began to design a new way of washing dishes, and I remember the way of disinfecting the medical instrumental, and I start to thinking about UV light, I believe that it is a new way that will be cheaper in the future, and using it in company with water and air, may be it will be a new sustainable way to wash dishes.
Then I design E.C, thinking about the UV light benefits and the water with air, and going beyond and changing the way of looking a dishwaher, I think rounded, funny and clean, with soft forms and a lot of light, I try to create a new household, that innovates in form and technology.

The technology exists, also the materials…what are we waiting for?

ec the problem

copy_2_hoja2.jpg ec the design parts

copy_1_hoja3.jpg ec the human proportion