Earthworker bin by dong kyun lim from korea
designer's own words:
Earthworker bin
Food waste occupy about 30% of waste level.
There are lots of recycling methods but still environmental problems are occurring.
If reclaimed the food waste or landfill it, then there are high risk of inducing dioxin and lead to soil contamination.
Moreover, if using food waste as a feed, it could cause many disease and in worst case, it could kill animal that consumed it.
Also same result can be happen when it used as compost to the plants.
The purpose of Earthworker bin is using earthworm to decompose the food waste in non-toxicate way to protect environmental problems.
Earthworm is capable of disposal the food waste which are heavier than their body up to 60~80%.
The secretion that made by earthworm during the decomposition is the best compost to the plant.
To make food-waste bin by using earthworm is definitely needs the visual and comfortable using methods.
Thus, the consideration of design is very important to make user confident with the system.
The form is based from the branches of tree.
When someone put the food-waste into the entrance which is the mouth of the system, then the earthworm that living inside the soil (inside the bin) decompose the food waste.
After earthworm's digestion, along with the soil that consumed by the earthworm, become secretion and ripening for suitable times then filtered by the bottom part of the bin.
The secretion that filtered to the bottom of the bin become the compost the plant on the upper part.
Moreover, the water to the plant also provide the water to the earthworm.
Thus, earthworm and the plant provide each other advantages in living which is a symbiotic relation-ship.
treatment system
place in your kitchen