E Player by Su - Hyeon Byeon from korea
designer's own words:
These days, mankind is at huge crisis cause of environmental disruption
based in global warming and running dry energy.
Accordingly, an infinite growing design is getting more important for the earth amd makind
faced with environmental crisis.
All over the world, various fields of industry are approaching to green code,
also 'E-Player' is Multi Player being focused in Green Design.
First of all, 'E-Player produces The creation of the self-energy.
It is operated with storing electric energy,kinetic energy was converted by pendulum movement.
Secondly, 'E-Player' is being designed consumer has possibility of green environmental movement participation
by using bio plastic material.
For the last, 'E-Player' will touch consumer's analoge feeling through designe like a wall clock.
'E-Player',informe you a movement of great nature, will stimulate your sense towards green.
-The creation of the self-energy
main view
Details and Mmaterial