E 60 by Sangsoo Ahn from korea
designer's own words:
In 1784, Benjamin Franklin thought that if someone keep early hours, the man save more candles.Now we are living in bright place by electronic energy day and night.If the night is getting shorter, how our living change? It can be save electronic energy as much as discreased night Like Franklin's saying.Also many countries using "Daylight saving time" for energy-saving.
"E -60" is a clock tilted by 30 degree at one'o clock.Therefore, the hour hand is indicated forward an hour too. when you see it, you'd read it backward as much as an hour.A digital screen on the clock show the correct time. And it has a sensor that sense indoor bright."E -60" has not any high technology as much as general clocks. But this clock possible to people save the energy and time as long as an hour by indicate forward an hour.
"E -60" give us who are tied to time frugal lifestyle. Is it economical and green life save energy as long as time most of all?
e-60 main pic
e-60 explanation pic