DYGN by gustavzepeda from mexico
designer's own words:
Looking for a proper way to engage the theme 'Yet' with Lexus Design, a creative process through juxtapositions was generated as follows: a spatial-object product with irregular-pattern form operational day-night, and for individual-collective use. DYGN is defined as a reconfigurable ‘origami’ shade-and-light pole that can be reshaped by the hands of the user to provide shade from one or several shade-and-light poles (spatial-object). Applying the reconfigurable 'origami' technology through the extrusion manufacturing of repurposed duct hose to manipulate and manifest a desired shape (irregular-pattern) welded into a pole. DYGN can be used as a single object or a collection of them; It can be used by a single individual or a group of individuals (family, friends, etc.). During the day DYGN protects the user by providing shade and collecs sunlight through lightweight flexible solar panels on its base that enlightens the whole structure that is LED embedded supplying street light in obscure areas (day-night). To sum up: DYGN is a reconfigurable ‘origami’ shade-andlight pole manually reshaped for shading throughout the day with LED light embedded inside activiated by way of solar panels providing collective street light.
DYGN: the 24 hour period from midnight to the following midnight
Uses for multiple configurations
Proposed materials
DYGN by night
DYGN by day
Early sketches