dustdeluxe a.k.a. damien gernay bloated_objects

dustdeluxe a.k.a. damien gernay bloated_objects by damien gernay from belgium

designer's own words:

the bloated collection is made out of sheets of leather, filled with expanded foam
no complicated moulds, and no seams are used in the production, the leather inflate in a natural way, making each piece unique.

bloated_desk 2011
designed by Damien Gernay
materials: inflated leather, solid ash
dimensions (140 x 60x 75 cm)
photo credit: Bruno Timmermans

bloated_shelf 2011
designed by Damien Gernay
materials: inflated leather, solid ash
dimensions (80 x 175x 45 cm)
photo credit: Bruno Timmermans

bloated_coat hanger 2011
designed by Damien Gernay
materials: inflated leather
dimensions (∅40, ∅25, ∅15, ∅7 cm)
photo credit: Bruno Timmermans


bloated_shelf.jpg bloated_shelf

bloated_shelf_02.jpg bloated_shelf detail

bloated_shelf_03.jpg bloated_shelf detail

bloated_coat_hanger_low.jpg bloated_coat hanger

bloated_coat_hanger_01.jpg bloated_coat hanger