DUALITY HARMONY door handles by andhika nataprawira from indonesia
designer's own words:
One unique characteristic of door handle is every door handles have their left and right version. it has many duality aspect; lock-unlock, open-closed. Each version interact with different hand, left or right. each lies on a different sides of the door, like two sides of a coin.
”Duality makes harmony,”
These characteristics inspire me to raise this Duality in Harmony topic. The shape created by a basic ergonomics form matches with is inverted repetition. The result is harmonic shapes with ergonomic curves. it also results a shape that resembles Yin Yang symbol, that represents harmony in duality. Another Harmony in Duality aspect is the door hanlde design has both masculine and feminine characteristic. In the top view, you’ll se a curvy line that resembles feminine, in the other hand you’ll see a sharp-edge line that resembles masculine in the front view. "Make harmony between philosophy and function.
" Duality in Harmony theme in the term of product design may refer to functional or aesthetic. Combining these aspects, and make a perfect harmony becomes the goal of a product designer. Since it is a competition, aesthetic is a must for every design, so in this term, I changed the word aesthetic instead to philosophy. In ergonomics term “Duality Harmony” has a special curve that adapt the position of your palm when you open the door. The curves follow the shape of a hand grip Duality Harmony is a design which I purpose for this competition is combination-- harmony-- between function and philosophy.
Duality Harmony by Andhika Nataprawira (1)
Duality Harmony by Andhika Nataprawira (2)
Duality Harmony by Andhika Nataprawira (3)
Duality Harmony by Andhika Nataprawira (4)
Duality Harmony by Andhika Nataprawira (5)
Duality Harmony by Andhika Nataprawira (6)