dualité handle

dualité handle by luka gorissek from slovenia

designer's own words:

i wanted to design a handle that is beautiful, elegant, minimalist and understated and so suitable for use in a contemporary living environment, but also at the same time comfortable and pleasant to the touch - a combination that is usually considered an oxymoron.

that is what the overall shape is all about. when seen from a distance it looks like a simple geometric form, a rectangle. quiet and understated, it blends beautifully with its contemporary surroundings. it's only when we approach it that the transformation becomes apparent, we start to see its other, organic side and notice its soft, flowing lines that are just begging to be touched.

another important aspect of the design is the "hidden" rose. i wanted the design to be as clean as possible, with nothing disturbing the shape, so i've matched the shape of the rose to that of the handle. the result is a rose that seamlessly continues into the handle, with nothing in the way of the design. the rose in the pictures is 6,5mm deep and based on colombo design's 6mm concept, but it can also be 10mm deep if necessary. moreover, if required, it can still be used with existing 50x50mm rectangular roses.

materials: examples shown are brushed aluminium and chrome, but it's suitable for a myriad of materials, finishes and colours.

also, the design is suitable for a number of different uses and can be modified for use on windows (pictured), glass doors, front doors, etc., making it a complete family.

brushed aluminium finish

chromehandle.jpg chrome finish

copy_4_doorhandle.jpg front view, on a door

doorhandlerose.jpg on a door, visible rose

windowhandle.jpg window version

copy_1_measurements.jpg measurements