drift by Alex Knezo from japan
designer's own words:
“Drift” is a modern expression of Japanese tradition in a series of kimonos. It returns traditional patterns with the idea from which they arose: natural movement. Traditional Japanese patterns in kimono design often depict animals or plant motifs in motion. These images, however, typically feel flattened into the fabric due to simple rectangular cutting patterns and two-dimensional construction.
Using traditional elements derived from moving natural phenomena, for each kimono we created a digital designed pattern of printed organza, which when repeated, overlaid, and offset create a cohesive, complex pattern recalling the original design. This layered fabric passively shifts in response to body position and movement, just as the four kimonos’ chosen phenomena represent a form of passive movement due to wind throughout the year. The new pattern found in the layers of fabric comes alive and can both clearly recreate the original traditional pattern and become lost in the movement of its natural inspiration.
To modernize the silhouette, the kimono was shortened to knee length to fit more in style with today’s fashion rather than remain its former one-size-fits-all shape. This updated length, separately sewn hems, and strategic seams promote the movement of the layers of fabric against each.
pattern evolution – rolling waves to static pattern to shifting layers
base patterns for the seasons – sakurafubuki, seigaiha, kouraku, and kan-un

overlay diagram

pattern response to body position and movement

drift – seigaiha version

updated silhouette integrated into modern daily life