
dreampath_2 by huennerkopf heiko from germany

designer's own words:

first of all i started a research after the origin of the name "moleskine" on wikipedia. the results was the following:

"the present moleskin notebook is specifically fashioned after bruce chatwin's descriptions of the notebooks he used in his travels. the name itself of “moleskin” is a nickname that chatwin uses in one of his most celebrated writings, the songlines (1986)."

the german translation of the book was called "traumpfade"-dreampaths. the approach of this concept are the dreampaths.
it combines with the aim of moleskinerie, the official blog of moleskine "it tells about your passions, your adventures, your experiences." everything you imagine and dream about, the path is the goal.
the logotype looks like a cloud, similar to the thoughts they float freely on their way there.

the color symbolizes the lifeblood of the writers, travelers, artists, dreamers and all humans who can imagine and dream.