Dreaming Sphere

Dreaming Sphere by lorenzo truant from italy

designer's own words:

“Dreaming Sphere” suspension consists of a sphere made of transparent blown glass or transparent polycarbonate that contains 9 140x140 LG OLED panels (150lm for a total of 1350lm native), hanging and fed with a slight holder fixed to two harmonic and elastic steel rods PVC coated that they also carry the power. The transparent sphere protects and enhances OLEDs which are shown "naked" and at the same time makes them "suspended in a dream-like" dimension.
The support arms, being in elastic steel, allow the OLEDs extraction from transparent glass sphere thanks to the elastic deformation of the material and thanks to the large hole which allows the escape of the panels, 3 at a time, put between them in a triangle. The elastic arms are fixed to the top closure by electric connectors which are connected to a single terminal power by the main electrical cable that plugs into the ceiling canopy containing the OLED driver. The suspension is supported by a steel cable.
The project was inspired by the most beautiful book of the Renaissance, the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (The Love Battle dream of Poliphilo) printed by Aldo Manuzio in 1499 in Venice.

suspension view with a description of a spherical crystal lamp in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Dreaming Sphere
sketches of the Dreaming Sphere design
Dreaming Sphere
main sizes of the project
Dreaming Sphere
exploded view with detail
Dreaming Sphere
rendered detail of the suspension
Dreaming Sphere
LG OLED light source technical data
Dreaming Sphere
rendered image of the sphere with an image of Hypnerotomachia Poliphili lamp