dreamin by Rajeshwari from india
designer's own words:
It’s time to wake up to a world where everyone has an equal right to dream and every dream has an equal opportunity to get realised.
DREAM:IN is a big and bold attempt to dispel fears and unlock the imagination of people everywhere. A positive shift of focus from needs to dreams. New connections that mean something. New systems for adding sustained value and meaning to enterprise, society and life.
DREAM:IN is a continuous exploration. Within every individual, listening to voices, listening to what cannot be expressed in words. Exploring the inner world of individuals, everywhere possible – across age, class, caste, income groups. To reveal a wealth of inspiration, insights and innovative ideas. Ideas that can discover and expand the potential of individuals exponentially. Ideas that are completely original, big and exciting to many potential stakeholders and that can be taken from vision to realization with limited resources speedily. That can progress societies, nations and lives in an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable manner.
The DREAM:IN vision, simply explained is to explore dreams and to work towards Dream realisation. To sensitise society, to catalyze solutions and demonstrate results by mobilising talent and resources.
The various levels of DREAM:IN are as follows:
ONLINE - The online space www.dreamin.in is an open source and system to build and strengthen the imagination network. A virtual space, through which anyone, anywhere, anytime can upload their social/ enterprise dream… to create and spread the network of users and enablers in quick time… to scale up the system. The portal also allows anyone, anytime, anywhere to upload their social or enterprise dreams.
KNOWLEDGE - Education, Training, Innovation, Analytics, Research and Consulting covering the areas of sociology, anthropology, psychology, ethnography and the DREAM:IN Methodology tailor made for corporates, constituencies and institutions both locally and globally.
YOUTH ENTERPRISE - A super incubator and eco-system to transform youth from being mere consumers of income and employment to become creators of income and employment.
SOCIAL CHANGE - Change projects designed to wake up communities by prototyping bottom up, inside out development methodologies through adoption of communities, constituencies and districts.
Consortion of the DREAM:IN Network.Young entrepreneurs and Mentors at work. Capturing the Dreams of communities.Dream Scholar presenting DreamScapesTheatre of DreamsDreamScaping in progress at the DREAM:IN Brazil Conclave, August 2012