dream to drink wherever you like

dream to drink wherever you like by giorgio comoglio from italy

designer's own words:

"Dream to drink wherever you like" is a dynamic and flexible space that interprets the alive and free spirit of the beck's style, in which the beck's consumer can interact with the surrounding environment through his "beck's station", modifying one’s visual and sonorous background, chatting, setting free one’s own ideas and one’s own emotions and everything is done through a system of projections.
The Beck's outlet is made of two principal areas: the first one, in front of the beck's counter, with the entrance and where it is possible to dance, the second, higher than the first one, in which it is possible to take a seat and/or to lie down inside soft circular tubs, around the beck's stations. These ones, besides their function of supplying beck's beer, allow to socialize, to have a good time and to share one’s own emotions.
By covering the circular tubs with appropriate glass plates, this area can become, if needed, an exhibition hall.

soft tubs

copy_1_t2.jpg share your emotions

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