Dream Patch

Dream Patch by tarte from singapore

designer's own words:



How are teenage years and changing a tire similar? They are both troublesome. The biggest luxury of being a teenager is the challenge to reach school on time. However, this problem has not been given the amount of attention, as it should deserve. The problem with most teenagers is they experience a sleep phase delay. This phenomenon causes teenagers to feel sleepy at a later stage at night, therefore making it difficult for teenagers to fall asleep before 11:00pm. Even though there is no research that can pinpoint the amount of hours any particular age group require, it still important that teenagers have enough sleep to feel refreshed for school.

Sleep is majorly regulated by exposure to light. This exposure to light will kindle a nerve pathway from the retina in the eye to an area in the brain called hypothalamus, where a centre called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) sends signals to other parts of the brain that plays a function in making the body feel sleepy or awake. The SCN is also accountable in releasing hormones like melatonin, which is a natural hormone made by the body’s pineal gland. Melatonin is discharged into the blood, where it will then make sleep becomes very inviting. This whole process starts from the act of reducing light that reaches the eye. Therefore, we want to tackle the problem at the source, where the eye mask serves as a solution for the teenagers to sleep early and wake up on time for school.


The eye mask will have an adjustable magnetic strap, because everyone has different fitting to fully block out external lights. Looping the strap around a buckle fastens the strap. The length will be secured with magnets, which are hidden under the cushions enveloping the strap. This is to ensure that the user do not have to sacrifice comfort to fully maximize the purpose of the eye mask.

The strap will have holes on each segment. These holes act as holders for the magnetic Bluetooth earphones as the position may vary accordingly to each user. The earphones are to play the soothing music users choose from their smartphone music library, to accompany and further help the sleeping process. These earphones will also sound the alarm at the time set by the user.

The area that covers the users’ eyes will be made of cotton material, as cotton can be dry-cleaned. The reason for choosing this material is because the eye mask will have a small lightweight screen lying under the cotton. The purpose of this screen is to illuminate progressively when it is time for the user to wake up. The user can set the time after synchronizing it to the users’ smartphone’s alarm clock. This process is to imitate light entering the eyes to make the user alert and wake up.


Though scientists are still learning about the concept of basal sleep need, one thing sleep research certainly has shown is that sleeping too little can not only inhibit your productivity and ability to remember and consolidate information, but lack of sleep can also lead to serious health consequences and jeopardize your safety and the safety of individuals around you.
According to researchers Michael H. Bonnet and Donna L. Arand, "There is strong evidence that sufficient shortening or disturbance of the sleep process compromises mood, performance and alertness and can result in injury or death. In this light, the most common-sense 'do no injury' medical advice would be to avoid sleep deprivation."

What You Can Do To Improve Your Sleep
To begin a new path towards healthier sleep and a healthier lifestyle, begin by assessing your own individual needs and habits. See how you respond to different amounts of sleep. Most importantly, make sleep a priority. You must schedule sleep like any other daily activity, so put it on your "to-do list" and cross it off every night. But don’t make it the thing you do only after everything else is done – stop doing other things so you get the sleep you need.

What is Melatonin?
Melatonin is a natural hormone made by your body's pineal (pih-knee-uhl) gland. This is a pea-sized gland located just above the middle of the brain. During the day the pineal is inactive. When the sun goes down and darkness occurs, the pineal is "turned on" by the SCN and begins to actively produce melatonin, which is released into the blood. Usually, this occurs around 9 pm. As a result, melatonin levels in the blood rise sharply and you begin to feel less alert. Sleep becomes more inviting. Melatonin levels in the blood stay elevated for about 12 hours - all through the night - before the light of a new day when they fall back to low daytime levels by about 9 am.
Some studies show promise for the use of melatonin in shortening the time it takes to fall asleep and reducing the number of awakenings, but not necessarily total sleep time.


Optimizing Your Sleep Sanctuary
Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as possible. Even the tiniest bit of light in the room can disrupt your internal clock and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and serotonin. Even the tiniest glow from your clock radio could be interfering with your sleep. This will help decrease your risk of cancer. Close your bedroom door, and get rid of night-lights. Refrain from turning on any light at all during the night, even when getting up to go to the bathroom. Cover up your clock radio. Cover your windows—I recommend using blackout shades or drapes.

All life evolved in response to predictable patterns of light and darkness, called circadian rhythms. Modern day electrical lighting has significantly betrayed your inner clock by disrupting your natural rhythms. Little bits of light pass directly through your optic nerve to your hypothalamus, which controls your biological clock. Light signals your brain that it's time to wake up and starts preparing your body for ACTION.

How to choose the right eye sleeping mask

1) There are many sleeping eye masks that use an elastic strap which that is supposed to fit around your head. You have to be careful with this type as the elastic can often be too thin and too short.

2) Some eye masks come with an adjustable strap and most use either a buckle or Velcro so that you can alter the tension of the strap. I do not recommend any eye mask that comes with a buckle as I found that it will twist and can really dig into the back of your head when you are sleeping.

3) Some of the simple cotton eye masks have an internal lining, which is made of a wool-like material. I have found that these can also make your face sweat and the same goes for the masks that are made out of synthetic fabric, as well as some of the masks that are filled in with herbs like jasmine or lavender.

4) I know this sounds obvious, but when you are trying an eye mask on you really do need to make sure that your new eye mask will totally block all the light out.


Why do they help you sleep better?
Eye masks are one of the best tools that can be used to overcome sleep problems and obtain restful relaxing sleep.

What do Eye Masks do?

Eye masks are designed to keep all incoming light away from your eyes and to induce a state of pure darkness.
An Eye Mask also called a Sleeping Mask is a device typically made from fabric that is intended to cover both eyes, the device has an elasticated strap that holds the mask onto your head. Place the mask over your eyes to induce a state of darkness or block unwanted light.
How does the Eye Mask work?
When your brain senses pure darkness, it causes the production of melatonin, the chemical of sleep. To help induce this state, you can also use earplugs. When you block out both noise and light, your chances of falling asleep are improved. People who sleep regularly during the day, such as nurses or other shift workers can benefit greatly by using them.

What other things can help me sleep?
Use Eye masks with other products to help you sleep; such as, peaceful CDs, white noise machines and audiovisual programs, which block out sound or induce a state of inner serenity and peace.


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