Dream catcher storage sysytem

Dream catcher storage sysytem by inna alesina from usa

designer's own words:


Living at parent’s home, not enough space, same room for work, play and rest; too much stuff; stuff accumulates on any horizontal surface; socks, make-up, CDs, shoes, game box, magazines, pens, gum, jewelry, skate board, Nintendo, trophy, camera, books, iPod, headphones, tissue, cell phone, loose change, sport drink, sunscreen, condoms, school projects, clean and dirty clothes, picture frame, stuff that parents are not supposed to see, photo album, pencil holder, art projects, trashcan, fashion accessories, styling gel, and so on…….

All that is in the same room. All that, plus you, and plus existing furniture.


“Dream Catcher” storage system could be suspended on a tent-like structure or attached directly to walls or ceiling. It could be suspended over the work area or play and rest areas, over the computer workstation and on the back of the chair, vertically as a room divider or under the desk.
Multifunctional pockets and attachments could hold variety of objects depending on need.

“Tool Belt” bedside storage has similar compartments to hold objects like:
sport bottle, magazines, tissue, Walkman, lotion, book, trash, etc.

Impatiently waiting for downloads or need a pose change after so many hours at the work or play station? “Swing” footrest could be suspended from any desk and adjusted with Velcro closure. If you have a swivel – rocking chair, you can rock with your feet up. It is healthy for everyone especially for growing bodies.

Low cost flexible solutions that let you personalize your space.

Dream Catcher is Native American object that hung above the bed to keep bad dreams away.

“Dream Catcher” storage system could be suspended on a tent-like structure or attached directly to walls or ceiling. Multifunctional pockets and attachments could hold variety of objects depending on need.

page2_for_web.jpg “Tool Belt” bedside storage has compartments to hold objects like:

page3_for_web.jpg “Swing” footrest could be suspended from any desk and adjusted with Velcro closure. If you have a swivel – rocking chair, you can rock with your feet up.