dr. jones cd dumbbell by yu-jui chou from taiwan
designer's own words:
The computer and Internet have provided us with a diverse and transformable form of reality. The virtual reality has no concept of human time, and promotes excessively sedentary use and behavior. People spend a lot of time staring at their computer and lose the physical strength, gradually.
Waste has been arriving as an international standard of 'progress.' Products are designed to be less expensive to replace than to repair, that totally changes our social values. Owing to developing technology, we have a lot of ways to save our documents, such as Xerox, FAX, Floppy Disc, CD, etc. You always can find tons of mis-copied papers in the so-called 'recycling box' and see pieces of CDs misplaced in the computer lab, even in our home environment. People are neglectful in their usage of resources; this big crisis we should figure out and try to stop it.
The 'Dr. Jones' is a CD dumbbell for people to put invalid CDs to work and get a workout. The whole bar (including the two caps) is made of one material, which is aluminum, for reducing the cost of manufacturing and recycling. It is in weights of
1-5 lbs, which means that the bare bar is 1 lb and people can put 112 pieces of CDs, which is equal to 4 lbs.
dumbbell concept
how it works