
Dot by Michael Murauer from austria

designer's own words:

the logo is showing the most significant part of a moleskine book, it´s rounded edge, through a significant contour and the word “moleskinerie” in a simple text style which is very well readable.
these two elements are placed in a circle, the simplest geometric form.
the possibilities to vary the logo are unlimited. background in colour, symbol of book in black or the other way round, background and symbol of book in the same colour, divided through a white contour.

Dot singlecolour

logo_m_color1.jpg Dot colour 1

logo_m_color2.jpg Dot colour 2

logo_m_colorvar1.jpg Dot colourvariation 1

logo_m_colorvar2.jpg Dot colourvariation 2

logo_m_colorvar3.jpg Dot colourvariation 3