"Door wrench" by jihee kim from korea

designer's own words:

door wrench is designed from works of a car mechanic, in a repair shop, who used a wrench to twist a bolt.
to twist a bolt on something, we turn a wrench a little bit and repeatedly.
we thought that the angle twisting wrench is similar to turning a door handle.
we wanted to create brand new thinking without changing basic system, so we developed this similarity: turning something.
also there are lots of wrenches in the world, so the variety of wrench designs can be adopted to a door wrench.
and special tag we come up with, it can give function as a note (please knock!)and when it is attached, it can serve the fun aspect and it looks like real construction scene as well. we can seek both amusement with fun design and practical function.
the door wrench itself is fun but we add another: the lock button has shape of a bolt.
door wrench can be unprecedented, fun and unique door handle.

focused image of Door wrench

dw2.jpg focused image of Door wrench with another angle

dw3.jpg color variation and states of closed and opened Door wrench

dw4.jpg definition of Door wrench and comments (by dictionary style)

dw5.jpg image of Door wrench with a special tag

dw6.jpg final whole image of Door wrench