DISPLAY GLOVES by Cawowine from spain
designer's own words:
We understand that there is a functional vacuum between the growing use of smartphones and the practice of extreme sports for which oakley develops its products and it is not possible [or at least recommended :)] down a mountain at full speed and make the Pocket mobile to take a picture, record a video or answer a call.
We take inspiration from the animal world, more specifically in the world of amphibians. They use their own skin as communication interface, a color changing function of your mood, even as camouflage or as a warning of the danger to potential predators.
To achieve this, they use the methacrosis, a system composed of a small cell called crhomatophoros and are responsible to vary the colors of their skin.
The idea would be to create some gloves that would work as an interface between the smartphone and we implemented across its back screen flexible graphene. This screen connected to your smartphone via bluetooth permitt us interact with it at full capacity without removing it from pocket or backpack and so leave it tucked away in a safe place.
The fingertips, would be provided at the outside of a special material for the touch screen response with the inside with a pulse and temperature sensors that serve us to monitor our physical activity.
Define: sporting vs. phoning
Discover: frog skin interface
Disrupt: metachrosis
Design: display gloves
Design 2: connect with bluetooth
Deploy: Display Gloves