
diagonal by luca donner from italy

designer's own words:

the idea is based on a simple handle, developed through the concept of the diagonal.
diagonal is not only the formal way to shape it, but also the way to think about a new handles’ system, cause
many functional needs are requested for handles in the contemporary way of living: communication, electronic access, advertising and design.
the diagonal is more than an handle, it’s a system, based on a single element integrated by various supports for different needs.
this junction reflects the ‘diagonal way of life’ of people in the present time, not forward, not lateral but following a third perspective: diagonal of course.
the production process follows existing methods.
6 millimeters concept is proposed as option.
finishings are chrome, mat chrome, white or corian.

type A – basic handle

diagonal_type_b.jpg type B – classic handle

diagonal_type_c.jpg type C – handle with communication or advertising

diagonal_type_d.jpg type D – handle with electronic access

diagonal_type_e.jpg type E – handle for windows

diagonal_drawings.jpg drawings of basic element