Devil Redesigned

Devil Redesigned by Sanjam from india

designer's own words:

A friend can be a foe..when we don’t set limits.
One such friend that we all have and can be our enemy as well is mobile phone.
You may ask why..

Mobile Addiction is a mute language due to which most people addicted to their cell phones aren't even conscious of what they're doing to their lives.
The only difference between the cell phone plague and the bubonic plague is that the bubonic plague showed visible symptoms of its effects, like coughing, bleeding, etc.
The use of phones is changing. trends reveal the habit of mobile behavior of today’s youth: 81% of youth under 25 sleep with their phone next to them on the bed.74% reach for their phones immediately after waking up.there is an urge of staying connected all the time.
The cell phone has been dubbed 'the new cigarette' and 'one of the biggest non-drug addictions of the 21st century.' Psychiatrists consider mobile phone addiction to be an obsessive-compulsive disorder
In a study of 1,600 managers and professionals, Leslie Perlow, PhD, the Konosuke Matsushita professor of leadership at the Harvard Business School, found that:
70% said they check their Smartphone within an hour of going to bed.56% check their phone within an hour of going to sleep.44% said they would experience "a great deal of anxiety" if they lost their phone and couldn't replace it for a week.

So what can design do to this
How can design anticipate with the problem
The major problem is it affects our brain activity and we are unaware or ignorant to it
Hence to anticipate a new innovative way to look at the problem is designed.
To do so a pillow is designed which can visualize the issue to the user.
The system works when a mobile is used near to the pillow. When the user makes a call or texts , the pillow will detect the activity and will alarm/indicate the user.
Pillow is chosen as a tool because it accompanies people while they sleep. Also generally people have the habit of keeping mobile phones neat to their pillow when they sleep.
Pillow has installed sensors that detect the mobile usage.
Mobile phones use radio waves as a medium of communication. The EMF (electro-magnetic force) is generated when we use mobile to make a call.
The designed pillow uses the EMF of the mobile signals to make detection.
Laboratory tests done on the properties of the EMF and a suitable sensor are developed that generates the desired result. it focus on problem solving approach and introduce innovative functions, low cost technology in product development.
It is a link of creativity and innovation by making practical human centric solution.

The pillow has two major functions :
a) The pillow has sensors inside it which are activated when the mobile is used.
It glows graphics on the pillow that gives a message to make awareness about mobile being harmful to the brain.
b) It checks mobile usage every day at 12 midnight, 12:30 a.m and next at 1 a.m
If mobile is used
I) Between 12:00 to 12:30 at night another graphic glows and tells the user about using mobile late night
II) If it is used between 12 :30 to 1 am then the pillow detects and another graphic glows and similarly if mobile is used after 1 am.

Using this understanding design intervention was made to raise a consciousness among the users. The purpose of this stage was to awaken the aspects about health. Spreading fear of hidden devil by visualizing its harms to create awareness was the tool to awaken the users.

Devil Redesigned
Devil Redesigned
Devil Redesigned
Devil Redesigned
Devil Redesigned