deployable home by ricardo areias from portugal
designer's own words:
Deployable home
This deployable modular home is a research concept home using an extrusion technique inspired by the “Fig Newton Machine”, a machine invented by Roser for encasing the fig jam in a dough wrapper. “...the machine that makes the cookie consists of a funnel within a funnel. The inner funnel contains the filling, and the outer funnel contains the dough. The machine extrudes the filled cookie, which is then baked, cut into smaller pieces and packaged.”
This home would then be made out of several ingredients, extruded into an adaptable, sliceable, programmable, expandable, multipliable, stackable, floatable, customizable and culturable piece and then deployed to where it would be needed.
Shell ingredients:
-Thermal insulation material
-Photovoltaic cells
-Electricity conductive paint
-Magnetic material
-Recycled thermoplastic
Core ingredients:
-High-density foam
-Velcro coating
-Electricity conductive paint
deployable home – parcial 01
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