Deer Vision by Karin Elina GB from sweden
designer's own words:
I found inspiration when I was visiting the Museeum of Nature History in Stockholm. I walked along the nordic animals and found the deer and their horns specially interesting.
The nordic deer have very defined details around their horns, some that looks like it must be that way and some shapes that seems random. But even the random shapes and features are there for a purpose and have been shaped along with the lifestyle of the deer. I find the randomness and fragileness most interesting because they are not what they look like. The randomness is not at all random but purpose built and the fragileness is really the opposite, very sturdy.
I stayed and sketched the whole day at the museeum to later use my photos and sketches for deeper exploring of the forms. In this state of the process I was not aware what kind of product I was going to create, I just enjoyed the forms of the deer and her horns. I built some imitating shapes in the clay workshop and started look for more inspiration around the bonestructure of the animal. Their facebones are very light and thin and inspired me to creating something protective and refined, like the bones are.
My friend are doing the sport triathlon and I remembered she used to talk about how there are no special products for that sport available. I started to look into and discussing with her what could be needed in the sport and what the different moments are. I stopped at what protective glasses they use, they have swimming glasses because of the three different sports included, swimming, running and bicycling. My friend told me that it was a great idéa to create something new and helped me with further discussions and sports research.
I went back to the clay workshop with my earlier sketches and form explorations and tried to apply the forms and features to a pair of protection glasses. At first I created shapes that was very close to what the bonestructure looked like, thin and detailed. But soon I found that the real features is the smootness and purposes of every little part, so I created a version that was more streamlined and with a clearer field of vision.
Parallel to that creative process I looked over how the horns could be used. I came up with the idea that they can be used to wrap around the head as a headband and also protect the head a bit. I made the horn-shaped wrap around more steamlined and combined the back part with the glasses for a full pair of triathlon goggles. They have flexible parts, snug fit and a nose clamp for tough swim sessions.
Introduction/ overview.
Form study of the deer scull.
Form study of the deer horns.
The meeting of animal, shape and human.
Final result with features.