deeplamp by gabriele ivan di battista from italy
designer's own words:
The suggestive aspect of an exterior staging is very important; gardens and outdoor ambience are considered like paintings, high studied ambients to maximize sensations and emphatize relations among persons and stage.
The effect of a suggestion is strongly conditioned by the illuminance and the possibility to scale this factor is very important; deeplamp let this idea be a leit-motiv.
Deeplamp is a variable attitude floathing light. The appliance is very simple: the depth in the water of the lamp and the consequential luminance is consecutive to the water amount in the lamp barrel
It is constituted by a corrugated barrel, with a double-height scaling, two bungs and the waterproof lighting corps inside. Thanks to led technology this lighting volume could be littler.
The shape of the object is a tribute to typical asian lantern and a recall to a cultural approach that has always raised the outdoor appeal and garden design to high importance.