DEATH & PASS by Aarton Durán from mexico
designer's own words:
The sacred cenotes meant a gate to the underworld in the Mayan culture, meanwhile in the Mexican Capital, in the town of Mixquic annually on November 2 in day of the dead celebration, offerings are dedicated to the memory of family members who died within the pantheon.
DEATH & PASS is reflected through our roots, in the rites carried out by our ancestors. Live starving or dying living? We always wonder that exists after death, heaven or hell, the glory or the cruelest of sentences. Physical death leads to eternity, is this so thin and intangible line where death becomes utopian, where the souvenir becomes glory, happiness sadness and death... life.
Perspective for another cicle
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”” html5_file=”” download_file=””]
Front of death
Areal redeption
Final circle