
DBNetZero by _ from uk

designer's own words:

DBNetZero is comprised of 3 components:

1: A Goal (sustainability/net zero carbon)
2: A Lifestyle Service (Online Marketplace)
3: Reward System (Bonus Pool)

The result is, in effect, a game
Here Deutsche Bank retains its core competency as a financial services provider but adds a social layer for proactive customer interaction.

Each component is individually familiar however the combination is unique.

DBNetZero would initially target the UK university population of approximately 2 million – the next generation of emerging professionals.
Involvement not only offers the potential for financial reward but in an educational and social context. The participant's potential rewards are limited only by their imagination and collective efforts.

At a few keystrokes DBNetZero invites an entire professional generation into the Deutsche Bank sphere whether direct customers or not. It does so with a statement of positive social values.

Executable design:
Templates for the individual components already exist. For example a marketplace could be built along the lines of an existing model such as Amazon or simply piggyback on Amazon’s existing services such as its widely used affiliate scheme.

DBNetZero is a 'startup' but with a capable and influential parent.