dani Soudan >> the coloured notebook of life

dani Soudan >> the coloured notebook of life by dani soudan from germany

designer's own words:

same moment >> ]different colours[ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most of us remember their first notebook, the first notebook which made us feel adults, grownup and independent. the first notebook were we wrote our idea's, our love poems, our numbers, our dreams . everyone wrote his own words in his own language....we were all different in that moment but actually we were all the same in a moment , we all shared a moment which i call it the same moment. the moment standing in front of the display, trying to choose the colour of our notebook...most of us picked the black first, then took in the other hand the red one...etc. we all looked right and left searching for inspiration, we spend a lot of time but in the end we took a notebook that has a colour....no body cares if the idea's and dreams written in our first notebook became real or not ( life goes on )....we all spend our life's trying to find the right colour of our life notebook....and thats why the main idea of the logo includes different colours and the logo starts with black and ends with black... because this is the coloured notebook of life.