Dang DangDang by Hong Sizhan from china
designer's own words:
We usually use an alarm clock to remind us to check the soup pot and add in water. However, to conjecture about the time is not accurate. Situations such as the pot has already dried out but the alarm hasn’t ringed often occur.
We designed a reminder that could accurately remind us when to add water to soup pots. Applying buoyancy, the reminder penetrates the tempered glass pot cover with its upper end a device similar to a Chinese traditional musical instrument gong and its lower end a floater which connects the upper piece of the gong through a stretchable stick.
A piece of rubber is set to insulate the gong and the pot cover so that the gong could also be a handle. Also, the floater could be stored in the dome of the pot cover through the stretchable stick.
A reminder design for soup cooking
Steps for usage
status of use
The main effect map