dance bed

dance bed by kian tat ong from malaysia

designer's own words:

General living standard was improved, teenagers have access to greater amount of technology products, and their physical growth patterns are changing. Bed need to equip with new value to fit for these changing time. The relationship between bed and teenagers has to be reestablished. A new bed that corresponds to teenager’s lifestyle nowadays is required.
Music is a part of teenager’s life in this century. Pop and rock, music videos and I pods are their everyday topics. This inspired me the idea of “Dance Bed”. The “Dance Bed” can turn an ordinary sleeping bed into a mini dance pool when desired. Pull out side drawers is speaker. Bedside table is controller connect to the speakers. The four speakers are able to create three-dimensional sound effect and enhance the dancing experience on the mattress.
Sometime we are not in a dancing mood, but we can just turn on the speakers and lie down on the bed to let the senses savor the soothing music.

