DADA by Myungsik Jang from korea
designer's own words:
When children see nature objects, they imagine and reinterpret them. For example, some child imagine a lion head or a new planet from yellow flower in blossom. They make their own form from usual nature objects. However, existing toy blocks are have a similar outlines. It is difficult to reflect children’s character in mass-produced toys. what if children make toy creatures using various blocks corresponded with their anticipations? DADA blocks can connect with nature objects. So DADA creatures has a every different outlines. DADA block is connected with nature objects through 4 kinds of blocks. Blocks attached with rubber band, compression strap, big hole and small holes. And blocks stick each other through velcro.
Blocks have irregular cutting edges. It helps to make every different creatures. Vivid color of rubber band and strap is point colors. The package bag made with leather and fabric encourages them to play outside.
DADA creature
Difference existing toy blocks and DADA
DADA creatures
DADA blocks
DADA block’s detail