D25 by vinaykhare from india
designer's own words:
Taking in the key elements that make up Christmas with light as the star ingredient, this installation looks to celebrate the holiday season by subtly bringing together traditional associations in a contemporary presentation.
A minimalistic approach delineates the skeleton of the Christmas tree lit from below as from the glow of life. As the visitors walk in they also witness carved lanterns hanging above them scintillating, a reflection of the merry bustle and exchange of greetings that fill the air.
The tree is made up of hexagonal star cross sections of GI rods hanging mid-air and increasing in diameter as they approach the base. They are kept in tension and connection by an interweave of white banyan strips. An LED lamp lights up the tree, gradually changing hue. GI sheets stencilled with the universal forms associated to Christmas are rolled into cylinders that float above the tree. The light bulbs inside the lanterns lined with filters the colour of Christmas pulse in random sequence.
lanterns and tree full view
view from below
closeup blue
lanterns above