cyclic by fernando claro from spain
designer's own words:
The Cyclic is an experimental project. The Cyclic works with a symple & sophisticated concept about architecutre: "placing" instead "build". The position process is more acoording to the current paradigm. The mimesis is the strategie; using nature as mat-builder in order to put the eternal duet - urban vs green - in balance. At last, my project uses a model action in a particular programme -ciclo atmosphere for outdoor sportman- in a particular case -rural- and in a generic situation -the urban context-
concept-cyclic · Action models/recycle materials/position process/nature mimesis/prorotype/flexibility/learn from user/green areas are also rentable/finite/enjoy&respect
process-cyclic · over-constructed paradigm > architecture of possibilities & fluid process of auto-formation: the position process
prototype-cyclic · Rural> The prototype develops 4 functional branchs. Everyone is composed by a sustainable kit-branch // Urban> The cross comming for the self-suficient building could be multiplied in a easy way.