cuttinge edge

cuttinge edge by bram veendrick from netherlands

designer's own words:

Cutting edge; State of the art, the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field (Wikipedia)

We wanted to design a very normal handle that people would love in their house; nothing fancy and overdone. The idea was to use the latest technologies on a very straightforward design . We tried to create a shape that you can almost only come up with the use of 3d modeling / CAD. For this we made a cone that forms into a handle. To get the final shape this very simple cone is cut with a box that has a radius on the corners. The result is a very graphical shape. The handle can be mirrored to get a left and right version, so one mould can be used.

Cutting edge technology is used to (cut off and) create a fluent edge and this very subtle normal feeling shape.

Renderings and design explanation

cutting_edge_02.jpg Renderings of the design

cutting_edge_03.jpg measurements and technical details