CURVED ECHO by ersin han ersin from uk
designer's own words:
curved echo is a three dimensional audio visual installation. the goal is to create a disrupted visual aesthetic image on curved layers of infiniti with the help of a short throw projector.
giacomo balla who is the first representer of dynamic movement and visual echo in his painting is the main influence of this project. especially his "dynamism of a dog on a leash(1912)" painting can be a good example of what I want to achieve. the idea behind the project is projecting an image onto synthetic silk layers which is hanged on a row. as seen on image 1 and image 2 projected graphics is passing through layers with a distorted fade out effect. perspective and layered transparent silks cause this distortion and also point of view of the audience would be another variable in terms of disrupted visuals. audience will be witnessing strong-full affect of animated motion graphics onto layered transparent surfaces, and will experience changing variables of their point of view according to installation.
demo represents 'how can apply layered surface idea to a car' - as seen on image 3 - and also this concept can apply onto any requested / given model of infiniti. in terms of production process; layers will get from infiniti's 3d model and those layers will be the reference to cut 30mm perspex with laser. then synthetic silk will stretch to layers separately. a 4.80m length car(infiniti fx) can slice approximately 27 layers. perspex+silk layers of car will place in a row which will have 10cm gaps. layers can fasten to ground with extensional perspex pods or can hang to ceiling with transparent fishing line according to exhibition place. a short throw 5000ANSI projector has to place in front of the car-layers from 1m distance and 50 cm height to achieve maximum efficiency. audio and motion graphics via projector would be controlling by computer. to spot on; all the materials which are planning to use can find in market easily and also can produce with quite lower budgets.
in terms of concept and motion graphics; fluidic and organic graphic language -as seen on image 7- would be perfectly matching to infiniti curve's concept and as well as the visual echo idea. the aim is creating an abstract lighting which will highlight the curves of the car, and also using projector as a light source rather then a video projection.
lastly, all layers of installation can fit in a 2.5m x 40cm x 1.5m box which is a beneficial fact in terms of portability.
ersin han ersin
art director / audio visual artist