Curious Crutch that Motivates!

Curious Crutch that Motivates! by Sharlene from singapore

designer's own words:

Besides the basic function of a crutch which supports and assists an infirm person in walking, the learning process should be fun and motivational. No longer a sad and boring one. A hollow space between the metal rod and the clear acrylic allows changeable designs, self-decorated designs or stickers that express one's personality to be inserted in the space. It acts as a personal tool that encourages the urge to seek out the momentum to walk again. It brightens the journey of recovery with a new identity that can be created for any individual.

The changing crutch
Curious Crutch that Motivates!
Example of stickers filled crutch
Curious Crutch that Motivates!
Example of stickers filled crutch
Curious Crutch that Motivates!
Example of stickers filled crutch