cubo aperitivo

cubo aperitivo by offermanns philip from belgium

designer's own words:

the cubist construction performs timeless and contemporary design.particularly it was respected to create a perfect symbiosis between the design and the corporate identity. thus a blue line runs around the cube and unites the single bowls. the red peroni logo on the single bowls looks gentle and nevertheless, concise. "peroni picks" deduce the flag and the contrast between the white porcelain and the dark olive wood top it all off.

the aperetivo set cubo aperitivo consisting of 7 porcelain bowls in 3 different dimensions for all kinds of "amuse geule" and of course
peroni nastro azzurro. small holes in the bowl edge serve as a holder for "peroni picks". a removable application for small rubbish (e.g. olive cores) allows more aesthetics and hygiene in the use. the olive wood board serves as a carrier for the modular set. the sets are stackable and can be prepared deposited in the fridge.


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