cubeoled light dimension

cubeoled light dimension by fuerderer from usa

designer's own words:

Depth | Transparency | Contrast

- CUBE|OLED interprets these fundamentals of visible light in a minimalistic dimensional design, - the "Light Dimension".

12 transparent organic light emitting diode (OLEDs) panels - each one at a standard size of 55x53mm - are arranged in an orthogonal coordinate system and laminated in between 8 clear crystal glass cubes, each one sized at 56x56x56mm. Via invisible circuit paths of the inner glass surfaces the assembled organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) inside the resin laminated glass cube are supplied with electrical power.
When turned on, the integral assembly transforms this transparent "monolith" (113x113x113mm) into an omnidirectional light dimension.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
(Leonardo da Vinci)

Designed by Markus Fuerderer | Copyright © 2013

CUBE|OLED Light Dimensioncubeoled light dimensionBlueprint and Dimensions[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″ html5_file=”″ download_file=”″]video

cubeoled light dimensionModular Applicationscubeoled light dimensionMonolith | Pendant | Stem