cook by paulina gonzalez-ortega from mexico
designer's own words:
People’s mobility has been increasing in the past years. It’s expected that, with the globalization process, this tendency increases even more in the following decades.
In the year 2020, people’s mobility may resemble that of the ancient native cultures. This phenomenon will be named “Neo-Nomadism”.
The “Neo-Nomadism” will result in radical changes upon peoples’ habits. They will have less objects and less attachments; furniture that can be easily unassembled and more compact. This tendency will reach the kitchen furniture that will also reduce its size with time.
Cook is a food heating system for the 2020 kitchens that uses electricity as energy source. Its folding capacity is cook’s main advantage; it can be rolled, handed and transported in a small space. Cook may be used in any flat surface. Its versatility allows using it at home, work, school, hotels and any other place.
A number of modules can be purchased, to get the number of heating units required.
Cook is a weightless product, built with the last generation of ultra-light, impact and thermal shock resistant ceramics. The material cools in minutes, after stopping the heating effect of flexible electrical resistances, which bend without trouble.
Cook’s ceramic rods can be pigmented to obtain different designs to satisfy the demand of a diverse and global population. Also, these rods have a visual color effect associating each heating unit with its control.
unfold, cook, fold & store
a handy product
how cook works