contraflow roadway alert system by robert dobry from usa
designer's own words:
Contraflow roadways allow for increased efficiency, but add danger for drivers. Current lane alerts often consist of small signs above the lanes. Our concept is an new safety measure for contraflow roadways that provides much greater flexibility to traffic engineers and safety to drivers.
The Alert system is made up of a series of LED inserts that are embedded into the roadway and sensors at the edge of the lanes. The inserts have a panel of red and green LEDs facing each direction. In normal traffic, a driver would see green arrows for the lanes that are going in the correct direction and red X's for the lanes that are going the opposite way. Half of the red LEDs would be used for regular traffic markings, reserving the rest to be flashed as an alert. If a driver were to begin crossing into an opposing lane, sensors in the roadway would signal the embedded inserts in the opposing lane in front of the driver to flash the second set of red LEDs, notifying the driver that they are crossing into opposing traffic. This active warning could be even more useful in the event of an emergency; if lane direction needed to be quickly changed to accommodate emergency vehicles, the inserts could be flashed to warn drivers.
Contraflow Alert System in action
LED Road Insert