connector by gwang ho jung from korea
designer's own words:
The position of the kitchen have been changed. The kitchen is not now simply 'The space to satisfy the appetite of families with some food.'.
It is the space to gather in busy modern society so that there is the family reserve. The kitchen is rising now to the center of the family.
The security of an one's own room restaurant kitchen of the space is crumbling. We need the role like the leg which connects therefore each space.
We harmonize with with original personality of an each space. and located in the center and put our life in the tune.
We can apply to a desk, kitchen tabel, table.
We used and pursued simple design of a kitchen tabel bedding and touch pad's as clean.(The as we covered a kitchen tabel bedding and we drew a plan so that we could do the utility to ask.)
We do a home networking system install at Table upside. We made the efficiency with the device to move to the system.(cook information, computer, TV, internet....).