Connecting customers - connecting dreams

Connecting customers - connecting dreams by RT | ik from austria

designer's own words:

Connecting customers –
connecting dreams
is a concept for redesigning the functional structure of Deutsche
Bank’s branches by turning them into places of know-how transfer
and community based experiences. Within Deutsche Bank’s existing
structures and resources lies much unexploited potential for a new
form of daily business processes. New technologies and gadgets are
making services faster, regardless of time and location, but the
relationship between customers and banks is still defined by
personal support and the bank’s physical presence with branches
in the customers’ perception. Therefore „connecting customers –
connecting dreams“ reorganizes the relationships between existing
resources and players by creating a network among customers/
creating a face-to-face exchange among customers. The result is
added value for the customer, a more sustainable customer
relationship and increased relevance for Deutsche Bank's branches.
Like in a toolkit, the suggested services can be applied modularly
by providing decision guidance and additional information apart
from financial products, thereby being able to grow stepwise into
a holistic support for the customer, making dreams come true.

Connecting dreams
Connecting customers - connecting dreams
Connecting dreams – Description
Connecting customers - connecting dreams
Connecting dreams – Imprint