CONCORDIA by albert setyawan from indonesia

designer's own words:

'Concordia' is the ancient Roman goddess of harmony and peace. The word 'concord' itself means unity and harmony, which also connected to the sense calmness, serenity and tranquility. For me as a visual artist, nature is on of the most beautiful source and creative inspirations, the source or sense of order and balance, to be aware and connected with natural phenomena is to make an effort to gain spiritual awareness, harmony and peace, which is what every people need in the future.
The BIrds especially, in this project symbolized the human soul, the divine creature that stands as a messenger of peace. The project consisted of one ceramic installation and two drawings. I like both of these materials because both of them have an intimate quality and are also fragile. Both of the drawing and ceramic work required patient and consistency in the making process, using clay slip casting technic for the ceramic installation.

“Concordia”, ceramics, slip casted, 60 x 60 x 7 cm (mounted on wall), 2013
“Concordia”, ceramics, slip casted, 60 x 60 x 7 cm (mounted on wall), 2013 – (closed view)
“Concordia”, ceramics, slip casted, 60 x 60 x 7 cm (mounted on wall), 2013 – (closed view)
“Concordia”, ceramics, slip casted, 60 x 60 x 7 cm (mounted on wall), 2013 – (closed view)
“Concordia : The Twin Deer”, drawing, pencil on paper, 30 x 22 cm, 2013
“Concordia : The Flying Sparrows”, drawing, pencil on paper, 30 x 22 cm, 2013