complete his face by Gautam K B from india
designer's own words:
India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today; ironically, it also shoulders one of the largest populations of the visually impaired. There are almost 52 million visually impaired people in India out of which 270,000 are children. That's almost one-fourth the world's blind population living in India.
AntarDrishti aims at creating an inclusive society with equal and full participation of the blind or visually impaired people in conformity with the principles of equity, justice, participation and collective accountability of different stakeholders. I have been part of AntarDrishti and working on the cause since long.
To meet our mission, we have come up with ad campaigns which comprises of street plays, posters, programs, one to one interactions, etc. Through this, we could convince one person or a bunch of people at a time. However, we needed to get smarter to reach the audience in a creative way, efficient way. We needed a media that stays with people most of times (home, office etc) which will trigger the thought or conversation.
New medias like social media was one of the options, but we thought that while online social media is highly efficient in creating awareness, the participants in such online campaigns are in it because it’s a cool thing to do! The seriousness of the campaign might have weakened.
While brainstorming, we realized that one trusts the opinion of a friend or family member more than that of someone else. That’s where we decided to create opinion leaders; who would promote this cause amongst their family, friends, and colleagues.
We detailed out scenarios wherein people meet and discuss things. To start with, coffee break was finalized. To introduce design and trigger in the conversation what’s better than a ‘Coffee mug’!
The mug design is planned in such a way, that it gives a constant demo of how eyes can complete a visually impaired person’s face. It gets closer to the reality. With every sip, one might be influencing someone to join the cause.
We are excited about the kind of response that we have got for this design. We are now planning to extend this design by coming up with a few more faces of men, women & kids of different ages to indicate that your contribution can benefit any person regardless of age or gender.
With Antardrishti’s focus in next 3 years is in place, we are sure that design and such creative concepts will play a vital role in achieving it.
CompleteHisFace_PresentationGoal met! Man Registering[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/369294/2013-02-28/video_1_1362034765_d3073fbdfe105b27f5c7059feb2ee843.mp4″ html5_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/369294/2013-02-28/video_1_1362034765_d3073fbdfe105b27f5c7059feb2ee843.mp4″ download_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/369294/2013-02-28/video_1_1362034765_d3073fbdfe105b27f5c7059feb2ee843.mp4″]video
Behind the scene
Conversation kick starter