compass you by Tatsuo Kuroda from japan
designer's own words:
Face-to-face interaction in distance.
COMPASS YOU is an interactive device that indicates the direction of person you are talking to. The design focuses on 'Direction' which is the missing experiential quality in the current long distance communication tools, and create a richer emotional connection between people.
In today`s times there are more people than ever living apart from their families and hometowns. This demographic changes are stressful and likely to increase the risk of changes in mental or physical health.
This idea is supported by my own experience of overseas life and also by the findings in the several interviews with international students living abroad, and the fact is that most of us don't pay attention to or are unaware of the direction of our home, even when we talk to our family by phone or Skype.
The concept of the Mecca direction telling compass is an interesting cultural precedent for the design task. It can be said that Qibla compass is a device that provide a positive emotional effect to Muslims by creating geographical awareness.
traditionally, face to face interaction in the local community was the basis for communication. Yet, today face to face meetings are no longer the primary way to communicate between people as one can use a any number of the computer mediated tools.
The sense of direction could provide a positive emotional effect psychologically and bring more value to the way of using current communication tools.
image of use
how to use
image of installation
spec of the device