community addition by francois machado from france
designer's own words:
moleskinerie, as its tagline describes it, has two entities: “Legends and stories”, the moleskine notebooks and what its users do with them.
moleskinerie celabrates in its whole the creativity of its community.
that proposition of logo keeps this vision by making it visible.
two different colors are used for “moleskine” and “rie”. The “rie” is seen as a modification, an addition, made by the users. The color of the “rie” can be changed to be adapted to the use of the logo.
simple and efficient, to make a strong effect at the top of the blog page, comparable to a magazine title.
logo on white background
logo on black background
logo with color variation, on white and on black background
suggestion of layout 1
suggestion of layout 2
suggestion of layout 3