communal kitchen

communal kitchen by maya goldblum from uk

designer's own words:

Nowadays more people live by themselves and cook for themselves alone. The joy of cooking and eating together often seems to have disappeared and substituted by fast and functional microwave/TV meals.

For inspiration, I looked at older and primitive ways of cooking, especially at communal ovens and kitchens.

The result is a modern version of a communal kitchen:

A round oven suspended in the centre of the room, as a part of a modular system of surfaces and shelving that can slide up and down a tubular column. The wooden working surface (which includes a hob) can be adjusted and turned into the dining table when the meal is ready.

The kitchen and its visual language are meant to encourage people to cook together, share the same energy source (therefore more sustainable than cooking on one's own).

When the meal is ready, the worktop/dining table is lowered and the group can sit to share a meal around the oven as around a campfire.

The main target market is single people in shared accommodations and students flats.

communal kitchen

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