
cometumivuoi by alessio graglia from italy

designer's own words:

COMETUMIVUOI is a handle designed to meet the tastes of each client, through a basic structure in which individual components can be stacked to create the handle of her own desires.
The basic structure is made ​​of metal in the classic colors and finishes on the market today, reports the logo on the front of large size for a strong characterization and recognition.
The components are of different materials such as colored plastic, wood of different species, different types of metal and stained glass. The forms are available rotoda section, square or diamond, each available in three sizes. In this way each person can realize that prefers to handle the materials through the colors and shapes available.
The length of 30 cm is intended to give the handle a strong identity and unique personalities of the competition on the market today.
Finally, thanks to the use of non-permanent closure many times can I change the appearance of COMETUMIVUOI


def_211.jpg finish: colorful plastic, stained glass

def_312.jpg Finish: various metals, various types of wood

def_415.jpg finish: mixed

def_516.jpg some details