combination of flowerpot and container for fertilizer

combination of flowerpot and container for fertilizer by anastasia potapova from russia

designer's own words:

More and more people prefer to cultivate plants either indoors or on a balcony. It is a well known fact that plants help to keep the indoors air clean and has a positive influence on environment in general.
It is worthy to note that plants in flowerpots need additional fertilizing continually. A fast growing plant may suck all nutrients out of the soil, at that the volume of a flowerpot is limited.
Some plant-lovers prefer to prepare fertilizers at home using special containers, rather than buying a ready product. Food wastes utilization is one of the current ecological problems. Meantime the containers process organic food wastes into fertilizers that are later added to the soil.
The suggested product is both a flowerpot and a container for fertilizer’s preparation. It consists of an internal container and an external case. This simple object not only provides favorable conditions for your flowers but also saves your time and space in your house.
Handling the pot is by no means a problem. You simply open one of the compartments on the container’s case, discard food wastes, for example dinner leftovers or vegetables peelings and add there СаО2 to catalyze the decay process. СаО2 is contained in the so called “salt-cellar”, you can easily separate it off the pot-case by pulling it upwards. Press the bottom on the “salt-cellar” and a proper portion of the СаО2 – granules will be poured into the compartment. СаО2, calcium dioxide (peroxide), is an ecological accelerant for the decay process, on top of that it eliminates odor nuisance accompanying the decay process. With time soil in flowerpots becomes acid, and СаО2, in its turn, promotes the formation of alkali that neutralizes acid medium.
A screen that displays special symbols is located on the pot case in order that you may understand what compartment is empty. It uses certain symbols in order to show the content of the compartment: green zero indicates that the compartment is empty, while the pink cross means the compartment is full. The displays are not connected to the power system, they use energy released during the decay process instead. You touch a flowerpot and it turns on for a limited time in order to prevent energy waste.
Food leftovers converted into fertilizers are sucked out by the plants roots through a membrane located at the turn of the inner pot with the case of the object.

general view

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