
codehandle by john waid from uk

designer's own words:

codehandle is about the synergy of communication and function.

codehandle takes the principle that lies behind the colour coding, spacing and banding of electrical resistors and applies it to handle design in an innovative way.

the idea brings modularity and visual communication to the world of handle design,
allowing an infinite variety of colours, disk sizes and graphic information to be incorporated
into an easily manufactured but totally unique product.

codehandle permits the creation of customised corporate themes but will also appeal to the interior
designer who wants to play with colour, as well as being capable of providing clear information that can be modified when required. every type of short message including that of braille can be incorporated into the needs of the individual client. this can be further reinforced with key-fob graphics.


code_handle_sml_2.jpg codehandle exploded view

code_handle_sml_3.jpg codehandle graphics

code_handle_sml_4.jpg codehandle colour and disk variation